Process water biological control is important to protect equipment and people in the environment. Legionnaires Disease is only one of the many pathogens that can breed in a process water system.
Bacteria found in Process water systems include:
- Legionella
- E. Coli
- Aerobic slime formers
- Pseudomonads
- Enterics
- Heterotrophics
- Anerobics
- Sulfate reducers
- Iron reducing
- Gram positive
- Gram negative
None of the above bacteria are desirable for your equipment or the people around it.
IBH Labs will provide you with a program that will protect your process water system from bacteria and deposition. IBIO Process water treatment programs include:
- Bacteria dispersant programs
- Non-halogen based programs
- Halogen based programs
- Biological removal programs
- Legionella monitoring
- Remote system monitoring and alarming
- IMONITOR 24 hour monitoring and alarm system
- IMONITOR PLC Monitoring Systems
Benefits To You
- Increased production
- Lower operating costs
- Reduced downtime for cleaning
- Increased equipment reliability
- Better safety for your people
- The IBH guarantee of program performance
IBH Labs brings you the Process water system technology you need at a price you can afford